Fitness, Health

Jogging Vs Running: Understanding The Differences And Benefits

“Let’s go for a run” “I go jogging at the park every evening” We hear the terms jogging and running a lot in our daily ...

by Jessica Bennet

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“Let’s go for a run”

“I go jogging at the park every evening”

We hear the terms jogging and running a lot in our daily lives. But what exactly is the difference between both? Which is the healthier option? Which one should you opt for calorie burn? Are you confused as well? Don’t worry, we got you covered!

Differences Between Jogging And Running 

1. Pace 

The one thing we all can agree on is the difference in pace. Running is all about speed. The faster you run, the better. While jogging is a slower version of running requiring only less effort, running is a more strenuous physical activity. Jogging is like a low-intensity leisurely workout covering less than five mph.

Jogging And Running deferences

You can jog for hours without getting exhausted if you maintain a pace. But things get hot and heavy when it comes to running. You need to pick up pace and cover more than six mph. Unlike jogging, running can exhaust you easily if you are not physically fit. 

2. Form 

The fundamental difference in form is that in running you lean forward, and swing your arms far while raising your knees. The arm swing and forward position give you the extra momentum and pace required for running.

In jogging, you maintain a straight-forward position and there is no arm swing. It helps conserve the energy to jog for longer hours. Besides, the period of contact between your feet and the ground is more in jogging as compared to running where your feet barely touch the ground. 

3. Intensity 

Physical exertion and strain are higher in running as compared to jogging. Jogging is a low-to-moderate intensity workout that lasts for a longer period. Being a stamina-building exercise, it makes use of the aerobic energy system of the body and helps build baseline endurance.

Running, on the other hand, is a moderate-to-high-intensity workout that needs more muscle work. It uses the aerobic and anaerobic energy systems of the body. 

Calorie Burn And Weight Loss

Both jogging and running are excellent ways to burn calories. Both help in weight loss as well. They are effective in burning belly fat too. An hour of jogging can burn approximately 400 – 500 calories. However, you cannot really say one is more effective than the other because the duration of jogging is much greater than running.

Health Benefits: Jogging Vs Running

1. Strengthens immune system 

Earlier, it was believed that rigorous exercise could leave you at risk of infection and illness. But modern researches prove otherwise. Mild exercise like jogging boosts bodily immunity against illnesses ranging from respiratory tract infections to diabetes. Overall, it is safe to say that jogging once in a while couldn’t hurt!

2. Improves insulin resistance

Insulin maintains the blood sugar levels. With insulin resistance, cells stop responding to insulin, and the glucose spikes in the blood leading to type 2 diabetes. Insulin resistance is also one of the main reasons for PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). Research shows that regular jogging and running reduces insulin resistance and improves the symptoms of PCOS. 

3. Helps cope with depression

Apart from proper medication, mild exercises are also key to recovering from depression and jogging is one of the best options for it. High cortisol levels are linked to depression. Our body produces cortisol in response to stress. In a study conducted on people with depression, the results showed that people who exercised consistently in the span of the study had reduced levels of cortisol when compared to the rest. 

4. Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases

Running and jogging significantly reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases. It improves the good cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and insulin resistance. All these factors influence heart health and hence we urge you to run for your life, quite literally! 

5. Strengthens muscles and bones

Our bone density deteriorates as we grow old. It is a common misconception that running can wear out your joints. But in reality, it promotes bone growth and enhances bone density. Besides, it is also great for building muscle mass and strength.

Running as well as jogging strengthens and tones our lower body muscles like the glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, and calves.  

5. Improves lung capacity

Running and jogging as aerobic exercises are great for the respiratory system as they strengthen the lung muscles. By enhancing lung capacity, it maximizes the intake of oxygen and elimination of carbon dioxide. 

Sum Up: Run For Life!

Though different in pace, form, and intensity, the benefits of running vs jogging are more or less the same. It puts you in shape and is great for your physical as well as mental health. However, if you are someone who is not physically active yet, it would be safer to start with brisk walking and then progress to jogging and later on to running rather than start sprinting right away. So do you still think that Forrest Gump was running and not jogging?

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