Beauty, Health

What Is Microneedling? Before And After Results!

With people getting more and more concerned about self-care and the way they present themselves, a lot of different methods are available in the market ...

by Lexie Kiara

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With people getting more and more concerned about self-care and the way they present themselves, a lot of different methods are available in the market and microneedling is one such common method.

Microneedling is done on the skin and is said to be quite effective in taking care of almost all major issues of your skin. The process is said to stimulate the healing of the skin by producing more collagen, making it much more smooth and firm.

There are different benefits to microneedling and through this article, we will be covering everything that you should know about microneedling. So, make sure you stay with us till the end. 

What Is Microneedling?

Just like the name suggests, microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure for the skin. It is done by using a very thin needle, which is used to make tiny little holes in the top layer of the skin. This small, induced damage will help to stimulate the healing process of the skin.


We all know that collagen and elastin are produced by the skin during its healing process and that is how microneedling benefits us. As the skin produces more and more collagen and elastin, these proteins keep the skin tight, firm, and smooth. The majority of the people who get microneedling opt for it for their face but the technique can be used for different parts of your body like legs, back, or neck.

The Benefits Of Micro-Needling

Comparing the skin of a person before and after micro-needling will give the right idea about how beneficial the actual process is. Here we have listed some of the benefits of undergoing microneedling for your skin. Read up and get an idea about the procedure. 

  • Improves the appearance and texture of the skin

This is one of the best advantages of microlending. The process stimulates the skin to produce more collagen and elastin, making the skin more firm and tighter than before. This whole healing process helps the skin to have a better appearance and texture. 

  • Minimize stretch marks and wrinkles

The process is quite effective if you are struggling with early signs of aging like wrinkles and fine lines. As the skin gets tighter, it helps to reduce these lines and give you the flawless skin that you have been wanting. 

  • Free of skin discoloration     

Almost all major skin healing treatments result in a slight discoloration of the skin along with providing the claimed result but microneedling is not the same. Microneedling before and after will leave the skin without any change in color and the changes induced will look good on you. 

Microneedling Before And After

If you have decided to undergo microneedling, then it is important that you look for the best, qualified doctor to carry on with the procedure. Before the actual procedure, the doctor will examine your skin, understand its typo, and also look into your health history to get a better understanding. After going through all the needed procedures, the date for the treatment will be fixed and you might be asked to do simple processes to prepare your skin

Once the treatment is complete, you are free to go on the same day. As the treatment is minimally invasive, you will experience some kind of redness and swelling on your skin for almost up to five days. You can use an ice pack to reduce the discomfort and irritation. Also, it is advised to stay out of the sun until your skin is back to normal. 

Risks Associated With Microneedling

While microneedling is only minimally invasive and a simple procedure where you can go home the same day, there are a few risks associated with it. While these issues are not of serious concern, it is important that you are aware of them before you go through with the procedure. Some of the common issues associated with microneedling include;

  • Skin infection 

As small pores are made using tiny needles during the procedure, the chances of having some kind of skin infection after microlending are high. 

  • Scarring

If you fail to maintain your skin well after going through with microneedling, it might leave the skin with scars. 

  • Bruising

With its involvement of tiny needles, microneedling needs to be done properly without any mistakes, or else the procedure has changed to leave behind bruises on your skin. 


Microneedling is an efficient and effective way to make your skin look better and healthy and thereby give you a high boost in your confidence. Different things need to be taken care of while going through microneedling, before and after the procedure. If you consult an experienced doctor and follow the right steps before and after the treatment, within the prescribed time, you will have better and more beautiful-looking skin.

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