Health, Heart Health

What Is Zone 2 Training? Elevate Your Cardiovascular Workout

Regular physical activity is vital to maintain overall health and wellness. Being physically active provides various benefits, such as reducing the risk of diseases, supporting ...

by Kendra Reed

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Regular physical activity is vital to maintain overall health and wellness. Being physically active provides various benefits, such as reducing the risk of diseases, supporting heart health, improving brain health, strengthening the muscles and bones, and aiding in weight management. Exercise not only improves the quality of life but also promotes mental health.

One feels energetic, active, and more happy by building a routine of doing exercise regularly. It elevates mood, promotes vitality, and helps have a positive view of life. There are plenty of exercises that focus on different parts of the body.

To perform any sort of exercise, one should have a healthy heart. Zone 2 training is an exercise, which supports heart health. Let us see how this exercise works to strengthen the heart. 

Zone 2 Training – Overview

There are several exercises to support heart health and endurance, but what is zone 2 training? How does it work? Firstly, the heart has 5 rate zones, and zone 2 training is one of them. Zone 2 training is a cardio exercise that supports overall health and wellness.

It is an aerobic exercise performed at 60 to 70% of your maximum heart rate. So, what is your heart rate, or how to calculate zone 2 heart rate? The heart rate can be calculated by deducting your age from 220. For example, if you are 22 years old, reduce 30 from 220, and your heart rate will be 198.  

Zone 2 training is exercising at a moderate intensity where you will able to have a conversation comfortably. It is a smart and effective approach for those who wish to improve their running journey. It is also called base training, and 90 to 105 bpm is zone 2.

This training helps improve aerobic fitness and endurance while not straining the body so much. This is more like a long run but in a sustainable and relaxed state. 

Benefits Of Zone 2 Training 

🔶 Improved Cardiovascular Fitness

Zone 2 training focuses on improving cardiovascular health and fitness. It supports longevity and reduces the risk of heart problems like stroke, heart attacks, or high blood pressure. 

Zone 2 Training Benefits

🔶 Faster Recovery

Following a zone 2 workout helps improve recovery. This type of training can improve blood flow throughout the body, which helps speed up muscle repair. It also ensures the body is free from inflammation or any muscle damage. 

🔶 Prevention Of Injuries

Zone 2 training does not pressurize the joints or muscles, which helps prevent injury. This type of workout gives the body enough time to rest and recover. Since this exercise does not cause any strain on the body, it is easy to do and effective, too. 

🔶 Better Mental Health

This workout can also improve your mental health. The experts state that aerobic exercise improves self-esteem and social functioning while easing anxiety, insomnia, and depression.  

🔶 Sustainability

Zone 2 training is easier to make a routine as it does not tire or sore the body. Also, since this workout is easy and very effective, most people likely stick to it.

How To Start A Zone 2 Training?

Zone 2 training has gained much popularity lately because it is easy to follow and very effective. It improves longevity and endurance. Wondering how to start your zone 2 training?  Before you start your training, determine your endurance levels. For some people, zone 2 can be jogging, and for others, it can be walking on a treadmill.

Using the treadmill is always a better option to start because you can adjust the output based on how your body feels. Try to start with a 45-minute session. Then, gradually increase the duration once you start seeing improvements in your aerobic base.

Try sessions that last 90 minutes and do at least 2 to 3 sessions per week. Also, include HIIT, sport-specific, and strength training to get the maximum outcome.  

How To Know If You Are In Zone 2 When Training?

A few factors help determine whether one is in zone 2 training or not. 

🔶 Heart Rate Method

You can calculate your heart rate, and if you find your heart rate between 60 to 70%, you are in zone 2. 

🔶 Nose Breathing

If you only rely on nose breathing while exercising, this signals that you are in zone 2. However, this is not possible in everyone’s case, as many people have trouble with nose breathing. 

🔶 Talk Test

One main factor of zone 2 is that it helps you exercise without straining your body. So, if you are in zone 2, you should be able to have a conversation without going out of breath. 

🔶 Rate Of Perceived Exertion

RPE or rate of perceived exertion helps determine what zone you are in. On the RPE scale of 1 to 10, 3 to 4 means you are in zone 2. 


Zone 2 is one of the 5 heart rate zones, and Zone 2 training is a low-intensity, basic endurance pace with no intervals. It is a slow and steady effort that can be maintained for a long time. It improves endurance, strength, and overall quality of life.

This aerobic exercise is easy to perform as they have smart and effective strategies. Zone 2 training is much more popular these days and more people are trying it and getting satisfactory results. 

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