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How To Get Rid Of Seed Corns On Foot: Tips For Relief & Prevention!

Seed corns, while tiny in size, can be a major discomfort for those who suffer from them. These small, circular lesions often appear on weight-bearing ...

by Kendra Reed

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Seed corns, while tiny in size, can be a major discomfort for those who suffer from them. These small, circular lesions often appear on weight-bearing areas of the foot, causing pain and discomfort with each step. If you’re dealing with seed corns, relief is possible. 

Seed corns, those small, painful spots that form on the feet, can quickly become a nuisance, impacting our daily lives and mobility. Whether caused by friction, pressure, or underlying conditions, finding relief from these pesky foot issues is crucial. Fortunately, there are various strategies and preventive measures you can employ to alleviate discomfort and keep seed corns at bay. 

Here’s everything you need to know about getting rid of them and preventing their return.

What Is A Seed Corn?

Seed Corn Foot Deformities

Seed corns, also known as heloma seeds or intractable plantar keratoses, are small, concentrated areas of thickened skin that can develop on the soles of the feet. These firm, callus-like lesions typically form over bony prominences or areas of excessive friction and pressure.

Seed corns can develop due to a variety of factors, including foot deformities that alter weight distribution, repetitive high-impact activities, occupations that require prolonged standing or walking, and certain medical conditions that affect sensation in the feet.

Causes of seed corn formation

The major causes of the seed corn on foot are:

✅ Primary Causes of Seed Corn Formation

  • Pressure and Friction: Ill-fitted footwear and continual rubbing from poorly fitting shoes create pressure and friction on the feet, leading to the formation of seed corns.
  • Structural Foot Deformities: Conditions such as bunions or hammertoes can exacerbate pressure points on the feet, increasing the likelihood of seed corn formation.

✅ Additional Contributing Factors

  • Dry Skin: Dry skin lacks elasticity and is more prone to forming calluses and corns.
  • Hot, Dry Environments: Exposure to hot and parched environments, especially common during summer or when wearing sandals, can dry out the skin and contribute to corn formation.
  • Loose Footwear: Loose footwear may cause excessive rubbing in certain areas of the feet, increasing friction and pressure.
  • Repetitive Activities: Prolonged periods of walking or standing, particularly on hard surfaces, can lead to thickened skin and the eventual formation of corns due to repetitive pressure.
  • Clogged Sweat Ducts: Even clogged sweat ducts, which hinder sweat excretion, can contribute to the development of seed corns by altering the skin’s moisture balance.

Identifying seed corn symptoms

it’s important to be able to identify their symptoms to address any underlying issues and prevent further discomfort or complications.

Appearance and Identification

  • Seed corns are characterized by their minuscule, rigid, and circular appearance on the skin, distinguished by their smaller size compared to other corn varieties and clear boundaries.
  • They cause discomfort or pain when pressure is applied, particularly in weight-bearing areas of the foot, making them identifiable.

Symptoms and Location

  • While often asymptomatic, they can cause discomfort or pain, especially in weight-bearing areas like the sole of the foot.
  • Seed corns are likely to occur in multiples.

Differentiation from Calluses

  • Seed corns are distinguished from calluses by their smaller size, well-defined borders, and location in weight-bearing areas.
  • Calluses are usually larger, vary in shape, and can be found in similar areas but might differ in distribution and appearance.

Comparison with Plantar Warts

  • Seed corns differ from plantar warts as they do not disturb the natural skin patterns on the foot.
  • They also lack the characteristic tiny brown or black dots found inside plantar warts.

What’s the difference between a seed corn and a callus?

While seed corns and calluses are both types of thickened skin that form in response to friction and pressure, they differ in size and appearance. Seed corns are smaller and more concentrated, while calluses are larger and more diffuse. Additionally, seed corns can be more painful and tender than calluses.

What’s the difference between a seed corn and a plantar wart?

Seed corns and plantar warts can sometimes be confused due to their similar appearance. However, there are key differences between the two. Seed corns are caused by friction and pressure on the feet, while plantar warts are caused by a viral infection. Additionally, plantar warts often have tiny black dots in the center, which seed corns do not.

Effective ways to remove seed corns on foot

By implementing key prevention strategies and adopting good foot care habits, you can reduce the risk factors that contribute to the development of seed corns. From selecting appropriate footwear to maintaining proper foot hygiene, these preventive measures can help alleviate excessive friction, pressure, and dryness.

1. Opt for Proper Footwear: Choosing shoes that fit well and provide adequate support is crucial. Tight shoes can compress the feet, while loose ones can cause friction, both of which contribute to corn formation. Breathable materials like genuine leather and features such as arch supports and cushioning help prevent seed corns.

2. Establish a Foot Care Routine: Regular foot care is essential. Daily cleansing and thorough drying prevent bacterial buildup. Exfoliating with a pumice stone or foot file removes dry skin, reducing the risk of corns. Moisturizing keeps the skin supple and less prone to corn formation.

3. Keep Toenails Trimmed: Proper toenail care is important to prevent pressure on the toes, which can lead to corns. Trimming nails straight across and filing sharp edges prevents them from pressing against shoes or causing friction between toes.

4. Manage Underlying Health Issues: Certain medical conditions like diabetes and foot deformities such as bunions increase the risk of seed corns. Regular check-ups and proper management of these conditions are essential for overall foot health and preventing complications.

5. Conduct Regular Foot Inspections: Self-inspecting your feet helps identify early signs of seed corns or other issues. Checking for hardened or raised skin and addressing them promptly is crucial. Regularly cleaning and replacing foot care tools prevent bacterial contamination.

Effective home remedies for foot seed corn relief

Seed corns, those small, hardened areas of thickened skin on the soles of the feet, can be uncomfortable and even painful. While professional treatment from a podiatrist is often recommended, especially for severe or recurring cases, there are some simple and effective home remedies that may provide relief from the discomfort caused by these callus-like lesions.

✅ Moisturizing and exfoliating

  • Moisturizing the feet is recommended to prevent dryness, which is often associated with seed corn formation. Daily application of foot cream, especially after bathing, can help maintain soft, hydrated skin.
  • Effective exfoliation involves soaking the feet in warm water to soften the skin, followed by using tools like pumice stones or foot brushes to remove dry, dead skin. This process helps manage calluses and prevents seed corns from developing.
  • It’s advised to avoid products with alcohol and consider using medicated moisturizers to prevent additional dryness.

✅ Over-the-counter treatments

  • Products containing salicylic acid are recommended for treating seed corns. Salicylic acid softens the skin of corns and facilitates their removal.
  • Various over-the-counter products containing salicylic acid are listed, such as Dr. Scholl’s Corn Removers and Rite Aid Foot Care medicated patches.
  • Research suggests that treatments with salicylic acid can reduce the size of corns and result in fewer persistent corns and less associated pain compared to other methods.

✅ Proper footwear and sock selection

  • Wearing properly fitting shoes and socks is crucial for preventing seed corn formation by reducing friction and pressure on the feet.
  • High heels are mentioned as a potential risk factor for seed corn formation, emphasizing the importance of wearing socks for padding and reducing rubbing.
  • Cotton or cotton-blend socks are recommended for their buffering quality, and it’s important for socks and shoes to fit well without creating pressure points.

Also read: Plantar Plate Tear: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment!


while seed corns can be a painful and uncomfortable condition, relief is possible with the right treatment and preventive measures. By following the tips outlined above, you can keep your feet healthy and free from seed corns for years to come.

dealing with seed corns on your feet can be uncomfortable and bothersome, but with the right approach, relief and prevention are achievable. By following the tips outlined, such as regular exfoliation, proper footwear, moisture management, and seeking professional advice when necessary, you can effectively manage and even prevent seed corns from recurring. 

Frequently asked questions

1. What is seed corn, and how should I treat it on my foot?

Seed corns are small, plug-like circles of dead skin that typically develop on the heel or ball of the foot. To treat seed corns, practice proper foot care by gently exfoliating the affected area and using moisturizing creams. Seeking advice from a podiatrist ensures appropriate treatment and long-term prevention.

2. Do corns have a hole in the middle?

Yes, once the callused part of a hard corn is removed, the center needs to be cut out, leaving a dimple or hole in the foot tissue. This process is known as “enucleation” and helps ensure complete removal of the corn.

3. What is the difference between a plantar callus and a seed corn?

Plantar calluses are thickened areas of skin that develop on the bottom of the foot, whereas seed corns are small, plug-like circles of dead skin that appear on the heel or ball of the foot. Understanding these differences is crucial for accurate diagnosis and treatment.

4. Can I dig a corn out of my foot?

No, it is not recommended to dig out a corn from your foot as it can lead to further complications. Instead, soak your foot in warm water, gently file the corn, and use a pumice stone or fingernail file to smooth the area for safe removal.

5. What happens if a seed corn is left untreated?

Leaving a seed corn untreated can result in complications such as infection and disruptions to posture, gait, and alignment. It is important to take proactive steps to address seed corns and reduce the risk of complications.


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