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Hair Care, Health

Which Vitamin Deficiency Causes Hair Loss? Understanding The Link!

Are you wondering why you are getting bald patches due to hair loss despite having healthy genetic factors? Well, then the answer for you is ...

by Debra Thomson

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Are you wondering why you are getting bald patches due to hair loss despite having healthy genetic factors? Well, then the answer for you is a lack of vitamins and minerals that are essential for optimal growth and function of hair cells. 

Vitamin deficiency can inhibit the growth of healthy hair follicles and result in bald patches on the head. The excess hair loss can be intimidating because of how you may appear in front of anyone. Moreover, sudden changes can cause a loss of courage and produce fear of getting mocked by others. 

Hair loss can be due to many factors. However, in the case of vitamin deficiencies, it can be improved by supplementation. But you should know what types of vitamins are crucial for hair growth. Fear not, we have found some of the ideal vitamins that are scientifically proven to provide hair health benefits. Before that, let us inform you about the type of hair loss due to a lack of vitamins. 

Types Of Hair Loss 

Many types of hair loss cause different patterns of hair loss. Each of these hair loss types is due to various factors. The following are common types of hair loss. 

Vitamin Deficiency Causes Hair Loss
  • Telogen Effluvium – This hair loss is due to the loss of a large number of hair follicles inhibiting its growth causing it to fall out of the existing hair. Several reasons such as hormone imbalance, and lack of vitamins cause this kind of hair loss. 
  • Alopecia Areata – This is an autoimmune condition, which is caused due to the body’s immune system attacking healthy hair follicles and tissues. The damage in hair cells causes hair to fall out and prevents rejuvenation of the hair cells. 
  • Tinea Capitis – This is a fungal infection caused by the scalp. It causes hair to fall out in patches and may get bigger if left untreated. The microbes and viruses damage the hair cells leading to excessive hair falls.
  • Cicatricial Alopecia – This type of hair fall is due to the inflammation in hair follicles and cells. Many people may experience itching, swelling, and redness due to inflammatory attacks. 

These are some of the most common causes of hair loss that can be improved by supplementation of proper vitamins. 

Vitamins, What is their role in hair follicle development?

The human body’s scalp contains more than 100,000 hair follicles that are responsible for the growth of hair. Due to various factors, hair follicles can get damaged. There are some conditions that may lead to permanent hair loss. However hair loss due to vitamin deficiency can be served by efficiently delivering the required vitamins for healthy production of hair follicles. 

Vitamins and minerals both play a crucial role in cell growth and functioning which may lead to hair loss. Certain vitamin deficiencies can lead to excess hair fall. Vitamins prices important nutrients for hair follicles for their healthy development and function. It helps to protect the hair cells from oxidative stress and enhance cellular metabolism for growth. 

Let us go through which are those vitamins that are responsible for the healthy growth of hair cells. 

Vitamin deficiencies that cause hair loss

Hair growth highly depends upon the different types of vitamins. Each vitamin plays a crucial role in improving hair cell growth. A list of the vitamin deficiencies that cause hair loss is given below:

  • Vitamin D – Lack of Vitamin D can lose the natural moisture in the scalp manifesting dry and brittle hair that could break easily. Dry hair rejects the proper circulation of moisture in the scalp and leads to shedding and thinning of hair. 
  • Vitamin A – A deficiency in Vitamin A can also lead to noticeable hair loss. The regrowth of the new healthy cells may also be delayed due to insufficient amounts of vitamin A. It can be reversed by implementing moderate dosages of Vitamin A through leafy vegetables and other plant-based sources. 
  • Biotin – Biotin is also known as Vitamin B7. It is essential for the production of enzymes involved with amino acids and metabolism. Inadequate amounts of Biotin may lead to hair thinning and shedding. 
  • Vitamin B6 – This vitamin plays an essential role in biochemical and enzymatic reactions that is responsible for hair health. Not getting a sufficient amount of Vitamin 6 can cause the hairline to recede and fall out. 
  • Vitamin B9 – Also known as Folic acid is essential for the manifesting cell division and growth. Vitamin B9 deficiency can slow cell production and increase hair loss. 

All these vitamins are commonly found in various plant-based resources such as green leaves, vegetables, fruits, grains, beans, and legumes. Some of these vitamins can also be found in meat, fish, and poultry products. 


Lack of vitamin deficiency can cause excessive hair loss if not addressed properly. It is crucial to ensure to get the right vitamins and minerals in the right amounts to address the underlying vitamin deficiencies. Since vitamins are easily available it is required to consume only sufficient amounts. Just like vitamin deficiency, consuming excess amounts of vitamins may lead to other health complications. 

The best approach to taking the vitamins is to identify the vitamin deficiency and adopt a broad healthy diet consisting of various nutrients emphasizing fruits, vegetables, and other vitamin-rich ingredients. It is also important to meet the daily requirements through meals for adequate vitamin intake. 

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