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What To Eat With Braces During The First Week: A Guide To A Comfortable Transition

Congratulations on starting your journey towards a perfect smile! Getting braces is an exciting step, but it also comes with some challenges, especially when it ...

by Jason Wesley

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Congratulations on starting your journey towards a perfect smile! Getting braces is an exciting step, but it also comes with some challenges, especially when it comes to eating. The first week with braces can be particularly tricky, as your teeth and gums adjust to the new hardware.

But don’t worry – by knowing what foods to eat and which ones to avoid, you can make the transition much smoother and more comfortable. In this article, we’ll explore the best food choices for your first week with braces, ensuring that you can enjoy delicious meals while protecting your new smile.

Soft Foods To Eat With Braces

During the first week of wearing braces, your teeth and gums may feel sensitive and tender. To avoid discomfort and potential damage to your braces, it’s crucial to stick to soft foods that are gentle on your mouth. Here are some delicious and easy-to-eat options:

  1. Yogurt: Creamy, cool, and packed with calcium, yogurt is a perfect choice for soothing your mouth and supporting healthy teeth and bones.
  2. Mashed potatoes: Soft, comforting, and versatile, mashed potatoes are a staple for those new to braces.
  3. Smoothies: Blend your favorite fruits, vegetables, and yogurt for a nutritious and refreshing treat that’s easy on your braces.
  4. Soups: From hearty broths to creamy purées, soups offer a warm and comforting meal option that’s gentle on your teeth and gums.
Eat With Braces During The First Week

Common Questions About Soft Foods And Braces

  • Can I eat ice cream with braces?
  • Are scrambled eggs okay to eat with braces?
  • Can I eat pasta during the first week of having braces?

Steer Clear of Hard and Sticky Foods

While it’s important to focus on soft foods, it’s equally crucial to avoid hard and sticky foods that can damage your braces or get stuck in them. These types of foods can cause brackets to come loose or wires to bend, leading to discomfort and potentially prolonging your orthodontic treatment. Some foods to steer clear of include nuts, popcorn, gum, and chewy candies.

Nuts are hard and crunchy, posing a risk of damaging your braces and causing discomfort. Popcorn’s hard kernels and pesky hulls can get stuck in your braces and irritate your gums. Chewy and sticky, gum can be a nightmare for braces, getting stuck in the brackets and wires. Similarly, chewy candies can get lodged in your braces, leading to potential damage and complications.

Also Read: What Is The Best Age For Teeth Braces? Complete Guide!

Tips For Eating With Braces During the First Week

Eating with braces may seem daunting at first, but with a few simple tips, you can make the experience more comfortable and enjoyable. Here are some practical suggestions:

  • Cut your food into small pieces: Smaller bites are easier to chew and less likely to damage your braces.
  • Chew carefully and slowly: Take your time when eating and chew each bite thoroughly to avoid putting too much pressure on your braces.
  • Use utensils instead of biting directly: Cutting food with utensils and placing it directly into your mouth can help prevent damage to your braces.
  • Try orthodontic wax: If your braces are causing irritation to your cheeks or lips, apply a small amount of orthodontic wax to the problematic areas for relief.

Don’t Forget About Nutrition

While focusing on soft and easy-to-eat foods, it’s important not to neglect your overall nutrition. Maintaining a balanced diet during your orthodontic treatment can support not only your oral health but also your general well-being. Some nutritious options that are braces-friendly include:

  • Ripe fruits: Soft fruits like bananas, peaches, and melons are packed with vitamins and minerals essential for healthy teeth and gums.
  • Steamed vegetables: Steaming vegetables like carrots, broccoli, and spinach softens them, making them easier to chew while retaining their nutritional value.
  • Lean proteins: Soft, tender meats like chicken, fish, and tofu provide the protein necessary for tissue repair and overall health.
  • Dairy products: Milk, cheese, and yogurt are rich in calcium, which supports strong teeth and bones.

Also Read: How To Fix Teeth Without Braces? Methods For Straightening Teeth


Navigating your first week with braces may seem overwhelming, but by focusing on soft, nutritious foods and avoiding hard and sticky ones, you can make the transition more comfortable. Remember to take your time when eating, chew carefully, and use utensils to minimize the risk of damaging your braces.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to your orthodontist if you have any concerns or questions along the way. With a little patience and care, you’ll adapt to your new braces in no time, and before you know it, you’ll be flashing a beautiful, straight smile!


1. Can I eat pizza with braces during the first week?

It’s best to avoid pizza during the first week, as the crust can be too hard and chewy for your sensitive braces. If you do decide to eat pizza, opt for a soft crust and cut it into small, manageable pieces.

2. How long until I can eat normal foods after getting braces?

Most people can resume eating normal foods within a few weeks of getting braces. However, it’s essential to continue avoiding hard, sticky, and chewy foods throughout your entire orthodontic treatment to prevent damage to your braces.

3. Can I eat chocolate with braces?

Soft chocolate, like chocolate bars or chocolate pudding, is generally safe to eat with braces. However, avoid hard or chewy chocolate candies that can damage your braces or get stuck in them.

4. What should I do if food gets stuck in my braces?

If food gets stuck in your braces, try gently brushing or rinsing your mouth to dislodge it. You can also use an interdental brush or floss to remove stubborn particles. If the food remains stuck or causes discomfort, contact your orthodontist for advice.

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