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What Meat Is Healthier Than Chicken Breast? A Guide To Nutritious Meats

Chicken has many cuts, but the satisfying taste, lower cost, and significantly high protein content with lower fat make chicken breast a popular inclusion in ...

by Samantha Grace

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Chicken has many cuts, but the satisfying taste, lower cost, and significantly high protein content with lower fat make chicken breast a popular inclusion in daily meals. You can enjoy them grilled, cooked, or fried and it perfectly fits into many popular cuisines and even into certain diets. 

Though the chicken breast is a great source of protein, it doesn’t mean that it is the most healthiest meat out there. In this article, we will answer a common question that many health-conscious meat eaters have, “What meat is healthier than chicken breast?”. We will also explore what is the healthiest meat you can eat and what are the vegan substitutes for chicken.

What Is The Healthiest Meat You Can Eat?

Before getting into examining what meat is healthier than chicken breast, let’s see what is the healthiest meat you can eat. Lean meats are the most healthiest meat you can eat. Examples of lean meat include skinless chicken breast, pork loin, pork tenderloin, seafood, etc. They are high in protein and low in fat content.

Meat Is Healthier Than Chicken Breast

Higher levels of saturated fat consumption can raise LDL (bad) cholesterol in your blood which can lead to heart disease and stroke. On top of that, lean meats are also a good source of nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. That is essential for growth, immunity, and other bodily functions.

What Meat Is Healthier Than Chicken Breast? 

The healthiest alternative for chicken breast can vary depending on your specific needs and preferences. For example, oily fish like salmon and tuna are healthier if your goal is to gain weight. Whereas, beef is a better option if you are looking for a richer protein source than chicken breast. Let’s examine some of the other popular alternatives in detail. 

1. Turkey Breast

In terms of the amount of protein and the leanness, turkey breast is very similar to chicken breast. However, they usually have slightly higher amounts of nutrients such as selenium, zinc, phosphorous, and vitamins. It can support thyroid function, immunity, bone health, and energy production. 

2. Lean Pork Tenderloin

Pork tenderloin is a type of lean cut from the pork meat. It packs high amounts of proteins and has a nutritional profile that can rival skinless chicken breasts. The nutritional profile of pork tenderloin includes thiamin, vitamin B6, phosphorous, niacin potassium, and zinc.

3. Bison/Buffalo Meat

In comparison to chicken breast, buffalo meat is lower in fat and calories, while still being an excellent source of protein and other nutrients. It is also lower in fat and cholesterol content in comparison to other meats. Bison meat is used in several types of dishes including burgers, steaks, and stews. 

4. Salmon 

While not red meat, salmon is an excellent source of healthy omega-3 fatty acids that help improve cardiovascular health, lower blood pressure levels, and prevent several health conditions. Additionally salmon is also high in protein and low in saturated fat content in comparison to other meat. 

5. Lean Beef

Beef is often considered an unhealthy meat option due to its high-fat content that can make your cholesterol levels shoot up. However, beef has few advantages over chicken breast as it contains more iron and zinc. These elements are essential for several body functions.

Remember to keep your beef consumption to a minimum and make sure that you are using the leanest beef cuts. 

What Is The Best Substitute For Chicken?

As we have discussed above, chicken especially skinless chicken breast is one of the most popular sources of protein. However, there are some effective vegetarian and vegan-friendly alternatives that you can choose instead: 

  1. Tofu: Tofu is one of the most popular meat alternatives in the world. It is an excellent source of protein that is often used in many vegetarian dishes. 3.5 oz of tofu contains about 12- 20 grams of protein.
  2. Seitan: It is a wheat meat. Unlike its soy-based counterparts, seitan comes closer to the texture and look of meat when cooked properly. 3.5 oz of seitan contains  25 grams of protein. 
  3. Lentils: Lentils are a good protein source. You can consume about half the recommended daily fiber intake within one cup of cooked lentil. It is also rich in folate, antioxidants, and other minerals. 
  4. Beans: Beans are a commonly used ingredient in foods across cultures. Generally, most types of beans contain more than 14 g of protein per cooked cup. Additionally, they are also a good source of carbs, fiber, and iron. 


Chicken breast is one of the most popular meat choices in the world. It is tasty, easy to cook, a rich source of protein, and more importantly low in saturated fats. However, choosing the healthiest meat than chicken breast depends on your specific needs and preferences.

Some of the alternative meat options for chicken breast include turkey breast, lean pork tenderloins, buffalo meat, salmon, lean beef, etc. Whereas vegan substitutes for chicken include tofu, seitan, lentils, and beans. Overall, all of these options can be beneficial for your health and well-being as long as you are following a healthy and balanced diet. 

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