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Heart Health

What Are The 5 Warning Signs Of Heart Disease? Stay Alert!

Heart disease or cardiovascular disease, is an umbrella term that encompasses several types of conditions that affect the normal structure and functioning of the heart. ...

by Kendra Reed

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Heart disease or cardiovascular disease, is an umbrella term that encompasses several types of conditions that affect the normal structure and functioning of the heart. Some of the most common heart conditions include coronary artery disease, arrhythmia, cardiac arrest, etc.

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in men, and women in the United States. According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), one person dies every 33 seconds in the US from cardiovascular disease. 

Recognizing the warning signs of heart disease is important for early detection and timely medical intervention. Knowing your condition, you can adopt preventive measures and treatments to reduce the risk. In this article, you will see 5 warning signs of heart disease. We will also explore how you can check your heart health at home. 

How To Spot The 5 Signs Of Heart Disease For Better Health?

Warnings Of Heart Disease

Some heart conditions, such as strokes or attacks, may strike suddenly without any warning signs. However, in most cases, your body will show you warnings and signs of underlying heart conditions in advance. Below are the 5 most common signs of underlying heart conditions. 

1. Chest Pain

Many conditions including heart disease can cause chest pain. If you are feeling unexplained pain and discomfort between the neck and abdomen, seek the help of a doctor immediately.

The severity of the pain can vary from person to person and some may experience pain in other parts of their bodies as well, including the neck, arms, stomach, or jaw.

The pain is often described as heaviness, tightness, or pressure in the chest, often referred to as something heavy like an elephant sitting on top of their chest.

2. Breathing Difficulty

Some heart conditions can affect its ability to pump blood, causing the blood to build up in the veins that lead from the lungs to the heart. Overaccumulation of blood in the lungs can affect their ability to expand and relax, causing breathing difficulty.

If you are experiencing shortness of breath, especially while you’re resting, lying down, or sleeping, it might be a warning sign of heart disease.

3. Irregular Heartbeat

An unusual or irregular heartbeat, whether too fast or too slow, can be a sign of heart disease. It usually happens when the electrical impulses in the heart don’t work properly. If you are experiencing unexplained irregular heartbeat frequently, you may need proper medical attention.

4. Swelling and Numbness

When the heart is not pumping properly, it can lead to fluid buildup in the extremities, such as the legs, ankles, and feet. This can lead to pain, burning, and discomfort in the muscles of your legs. In extreme cases, you may feel numbness and have difficulty moving your limbs. 

5. Fatigue and Weakness

Fatigue can happen for several reasons, including illness, medications, tiring physical activities, etc. However, excessive tiredness, especially during normal daily activities, can sometimes be a sign of an underlying heart condition.

If you are experiencing any or a combination of the above symptoms, it is important to consult a doctor for a proper evaluation and diagnosis. Early detection and treatment can significantly reduce the risks of heart disease. 

How can i check my heart health at home?

There are a few methods to check your heart health at home. One of the easiest ways to do it is by checking your resting pulse rate. Pulse rate, also called heart rate, is the number of times your heart beats in one minute. There are two types of heart rates: the resting heart rate and the maximum heart rate. 

You can measure your resting heart rate when you are relaxed and still. The normal resting heart rate is usually between 60 to 100 beats per minute. A higher resting heart rate can indicate higher blood pressure and an increased risk of heart disease.  

The maximum heart rate is measured when you are doing physical activities or exercise that make your heart work extra hard. You can calculate the maximum age-related heart rate by subtracting your age from 220.

For moderate-intensity physical activities, about 64% to 76% of the maximum heart rate is considered normal. Whereas about 77% to 93% of the maximum heart rate is considered normal for vigorous-intensity physical activity.

To measure your heart rate, place two fingers on the thumb side of the opposite wrist. Slightly move your fingers back and forth till you feel the pulse. Once you’ve located your pulse, count the number of beats in 10 seconds and multiply by 6 to calculate your beats per minute. 


Heart disease is one of the most common causes of death in men and women in the United States. Though some heart conditions can strike suddenly, you can usually see signs and warnings beforehand. The 5 most common signs of underlying heart conditions include chest pain, breathing difficulty, irregular heartbeat, swelling and numbness, and fatigue and weakness.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, consult your healthcare provider for a professional diagnosis. You can also check your heart health at home by measuring your resting or maximum pulse rate. Remember, early detection can significantly reduce the risks and complications associated with heart disease. 


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