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Health, Oral health

How Do You Cure Swollen Gums? Effective Ways To Treat

The healthy maintenance of gums is important for the oral health of a human being. Human gums are made of pink, firm tissues covering the ...

by Jason Wesley

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The healthy maintenance of gums is important for the oral health of a human being. Human gums are made of pink, firm tissues covering the jawbone. This tick tissue is fibrous and filled with blood vessels.  

Swollen gums are a common oral problem that is caused by several reasons, such as gingivitis, nutrient deficiencies, infections, and hormonal changes. The swollen gums often bulge out, creating irritation and pain. The swelling generally begins at the point where the gum meets the tooth. If the gum is infected or swollen, it loses its normal pink color and appears red.  They also bleed more easily while brushing or flossing. 

What Causes The Swelling Of Gums?

Swollen gums, also known as gingival swellings, often occur due to gingivitis. But several other reasons, such as hormonal changes, pregnancy, nutrient deficiency, and infection, can cause swellings in the gums.

cure Swollen Gums


The most common cause of gum swelling is gingivitis. This situation results in swelling and irritation of the gums. Gingivitis is often left unnoticed, as the symptoms of this disease might be mild. However, a lack of treatment can lead to serious health conditions such as periodontitis and tooth loss. 

Gingivitis is often caused by poor oral hygiene, resulting in the formation of plaque on the teeth and gum line. Plaque is a layer of food debris and germs that build on teeth over time. Plaque turns into tartar if it stays on the teeth for longer than a few days. The hardened plaque and tartar cannot be removed through flossing or brushing. Professional dental help is required to cure it. 


Swollen gums can be caused by vitamin deficiency. Vitamins B and C play a major role in maintaining the oral health of a human being. Vitamin C plays a crucial role in maintaining and repairing the gums and teeth. Vitamin C deficiency results in scurvy, which causes anemia and gum disease.

Likewise, vitamin B, along with vitamin A, is one of the major nutrients in gums. It is an essential element for healthy gums. Malnutrition, which is uncommon in developed and developing countries, is mostly seen in older adults. 


Swollen gums are often seen during pregnancies. The excess generation of hormones during pregnancy can cause an increase in the blood flow in the gums. This increased blood flow causes irritation, leading to swelling. The hormonal changes can also reduce the immunity of the body to fight bacteria-causing infections. This increases the possibility of gingivitis. 


Viral and fungal infections can cause gum swelling. Herpes can result in acute herpetic gingivostomatitis, a disorder that causes swollen gums.

Gum swelling can also be brought on by thrush, a condition where normally occurring yeast in the mouth overproliferates. Dental abscesses, which are characterized by localized gum swelling and necessitate dental care, can result from untreated dental decay. 

Treatments For Swollen Gums

Professional Help

Seeking help from a professional dentist is the best way to treat swollen gums. Regular dental checkups and cleanings will help to identify and prevent oral problems to a large extent. 

Dentists may recommend mouth rinses that lessen plaque and help prevent gingivitis based on the reason behind the swellings. They might also advise you to use a certain brand of toothpaste. In certain situations, antibiotics might also be required. 

Another common treatment is scaling and root planning. To promote healing of the remaining gums, the dentist will remove calculus, or tartar, from the tooth roots, sick gums, and dental plaque.

In extreme cases of gingivitis, surgery will be recommended by the dentists. This is usually recommended for people with extreme gum diseases, such as moderate or advanced periodontitis.

Other medical treatments include:

  • Ointments
  • Medicated mouthwashes

Home Remedies

Health issues can arise even while maintaining proper oral hygiene. Certain home remedies appear promising in treating oral problems, including gum swelling.

  • Smoothening of gums through brushing and flossing.
  • Rinse the mouth with salt water to get rid of bacteria and fungi.
  • Proper intake of water helps reduce oral problems. Water stimulates the production of saliva, which destroys the disease-causing bacteria.
  • Avoiding strong mouthwashes and harmful substances like alcohol and tobacco can reduce gum swelling.
  • A cold compress will help reduce swelling, and a warm compress will lessen the gum pain.

How To Prevent Gum Swelling?

Preventive measures for swollen gums include proper oral hygiene and a healthy diet. 

Oral Care

Proper oral care includes regular brushing and flossing, especially after meals. Timely dentist checkups, preferably every 6 months, will help with oral cleaning and increase the opportunities to discuss oral problems.

Stress Management

Some studies suggest that chronic stress can create gum problems, reducing the effectiveness of treatments. Maintaining the stress level through meditation, yoga, and breathing exercises helps to improve oral health.


Maintaining a healthy diet and oral hygiene are important to prevent gum swelling and other oral infections. If you have noticed swollen gums for over 2 weeks, it is advisable to consult a professional dentist rather than opting for home remedies.

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