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Hair Care, Health

How Do I Stop My Hair From Falling Out? Tips To Prevent Hair Fall!

Hairfall has now emerged as an issue faced by most people. People have been searching for appropriate remedies for treating their hair fall now as ...

by Debra Thomson

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Hairfall has now emerged as an issue faced by most people. People have been searching for appropriate remedies for treating their hair fall now as ever but a fact that should be taken into consideration is that we cannot treat something without knowing its cause. Identifying the cause is the primary step in treating anything that comes your way.

It is also important to note that different people experience hair fall due to different reasons. So it seems of no use if you keep following the remedy your neighbor followed, the key is to find a remedy that works for you. In this article, you will come across the major causes that can potentially lead to hair fall and the measures you can take to prevent them.

Why Does Hair Fall Out?

There are boundless reasons responsible for causing hair fall ranging from genetics, physical or emotional stress, changes in hormone levels, medical conditions like scalp infections, taking medications or undergoing treatments like chemotherapy, using excessive hair-damaging products and the list goes on. 

Some causes of hair fall are temporary while some cannot be reversed. When there is permanent hair loss, what actually happens is that the hair follicles that are responsible for the growth of each strand of the hair get permanently damaged, making the process of hair loss reversal almost impossible. But there is still a chance for recovery when it comes down to temporary hair loss caused due to stress or medical conditions. By identifying and eliminating the cause that damaged the hair follicle, you will be able to grow your hair back to normal.

Permanent Hair Loss

Tips To Prevent Hair From Falling Out

If you are so concerned about your hair health, there are numerous approaches you can follow to prevent hair loss and bring the health of your hair back. Consistently following these practices can make a significant difference in a very short period. 


Studies have shown that following a Mediterranean diet consisting of a high amount of fresh herbs and raw vegetables has noticeably reduced the risk of androgenic alopecia in individuals. Eating foods that are packed with proteins such as eggs, nuts, chicken, turkey, and fish is also considered to be effective in preventing hair loss.

By adding foods such as spinach and sweet potato, you can give the sufficient amount of vitamin A that your body requires as vitamin A contains retinoids which are crucial for supporting hair growth.


Certain vitamins and minerals are considered very much essential for promoting hair growth. Intake of these vitamins as supplements can offer you various health benefits including prevention of hair loss.

Hair Care

No matter what treatments you take, maintaining a healthy hair care routine makes all the difference hence it is very essential to take good care of your hair and scalp. Here are some steps you can follow to maintain a healthy haircare routine

  • Regular shampooing

Wash your hair thoroughly using any mild shampoo that can keep your scalp healthy and clean.

  • Oiling weekly once

You can take any oil of your choice to oil your hair. Massaging your scalp using Coconut oil can promote blood circulation and help protect the hair from breaking at the roots and regrowth while olive oil can be used for deep conditioning.

  • Being gentle with your hair

Even though hair styling tools may help keep your hair put together, the heat will gradually make your hair follicles dehydrated and damage the hair shaft. Try not to use tight hairstyles that can pull your hair away from the scalp. You should also be careful while doing chemical treatments on your hair as it can damage your hair by splitting the keratin molecules.

Medical Treatments

Certain medical treatments like laser therapy are used to increase hair density for people who faced genetic hair loss or lost their hair through chemotherapy.


A wide variety of medications such as minoxidil are now available in the market to help prevent hair loss and promote healthy hair growth.

Apart from the ones mentioned above, you can also try doing yoga, massage, and essential oils, as they are also known to help prevent hair fall.


Since hair follicle undergoes a lifecycle of active growth, transition, and rest, it is extremely normal to lose 100 strands a day but if you face considerable hair fall, it is time to take serious measures to manage that. You can try following the tips that are mentioned in the previous section to prevent hair fall to an extent. However, if you are concerned so much about your hair fall and require immediate action, it would be advisable to consult your doctor as they can provide you with a better plan to treat the hair fall. 

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