WHAT? Title 28 USC 3002 Section 15 – States That THE UNITED STATES is a CORPORATION and Not a Government

WHAT? – Title 28 USC 3002 Section 15: THE UNITED STATES is a CORPORATION and Not a Government What ...

Alexander Higgins

Flashback 1936: Sovereign Americans Pledged as Collateral on Government Debt to the Federal Reserve

Flashback 1936: Sovereign Americans Pledged as Collateral on Government Debt to the Federal Reserve A LOT MORE HAPPENED THAN ...

Alexander Higgins

How Your Social Security Money Was Stolen – Where Did The $2.5 Trillion Surplus Go?

How Republicans, Democrats and the Mega-Wealthy Stole Your Social Security Money AmpedStatus Introduction by David DeGraw, Reports by Dr. ...

Alexander Higgins

New Greece Currency Secretly Being Printed, Appears On Bloomberg Ticker

While politicians publicly debate Greece exiting the Euro behind the scenes comes a report of a secret order to ...

Alexander Higgins

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